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MSC Announcement – Manual/Mail Shipping Instruction (S/I) Submit Requirement
发布时间:2017-11-3 11:37:21

Re: manual/mail shipping instruction (s/i) submit requirement


Dear Valued Clients,



This is served to remind that below practice had run several months. Here we’d like to draw your attention on below points.



  1. Please submit e-mail(SI) with correct booking number (S/O number) in the email subject, otherwise your e-mail(SI) may NOT be well identified / followed in time.



(Newly added) Option 1: Only put Booking Number or BL number, no any other wording involved in the subject.



(Newly added) Option 2: if any other wording involved before/after the Booking number/BL number, please put one “Space” to distinguish as mandatory request.


SI-181AY0171587115S1□        (无法识别)

SI-□181AY0171587115S1□      (可识别)

SI□181AY0171587115S1□       (可识别)

注: 表示空格字符


  1. In principle, one e-mail only corresponds to one SI; multiple SIs in one e-mail is unacceptable.



  1. Only English is acceptable for SI / SI related requirements, and all SI related requirements need to be included into the same SI attachment / file. Non-English wording / Missing indication in the SI attachment / file would lead to missing SI requirements identification.

在递交我司补料内容及补料所涉及所有特殊需求请务必使用英文并清晰注明于补料同一附件中,非英文备注 / 或未在补料附件清晰注明会导致系统无法准确识别该内容/需求而导致信息缺失。


  1. Detail submission requirements, please kindly refer to below:



Criteria 1: One booking - one set of bills 

Request: submit in one e-mail

Correct booking number with required B/L number should be indicated in E-mail subject.


要求: 发送一封邮件



Criteria 2: Multiple bookings - one set of bills

Request: submit in one e-mail

One of the correct booking numbers OR pre-assigned B/L number is required in e-mail subject; while in e-mail body, the booking combination request need to be listed out with all correct booking numbers and the required B/L number which covers all these bookings.


要求: 发送一封邮件



Criteria 3: One booking - multiple sets of bills

Request: submit in one e-mail

The correct booking number is required in e-mail subject; In e-mail body, the requirement of splitting the booking to multiple sets of bills need to be indicated.





Thank you for the kind cooperation and we reserve the right to hold shipper full responsibility for failure of above requirements. Same time, it is always appreciated for E-SI via 3rd party platform or our in-house system.



Using this opportunity, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continual support. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we could be of any assistance.



Yours faithfully,

MSC (HK) Ltd.

As Agent for Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.

08th Aug. 2017

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